Tuesday, November 29, 2016

November 28, 2016 BUF Black Lives Matter Team Meeting Minutes

Attending: Lauralee Carbone, Exquisite Erika, Loren Lundholm, Libby Skinner, Heidi Ohana, Andrew Schoneberg, Sandra Gottchalk, Liz Epperson, Judy Kasper, David Curley, Courtney Lyons, Julia Kerlin, and Hilde

Ground Rules: In the spirit of creating a safe space to explore our thoughts and feelings in a respectful discussion:

  • Honor the "Talking Eraser"
  • Try not to interrupt
  • Reflect before responding
  • Step Up, Step Back
  • Use "I" messages
  • Stay focused on issues; don't get personal
  • Avoid 2-person dialog
  • No personal put-downs
  • Check your privilege
  • Use clarifying statements to clarify your understanding
  • Specify who you're talking about when using pronouns "they" and "them"
Communication: Andrew has set up the blogspot. Anyone can read what is posted either by going directly to http://bufblacklivesmatter.blogspot.com or going to www.buf.org/ministryaction-teams, then Black Lives Matter Team and click "blog" link. You can also subscribe to receive posts directly to your email. If you have trouble accessing the blog or subscribing, please contact Lauralee or Erika.

T-shirts: Heidi Ohana is taking orders for BLACK LIVES MATTER T-shirts. They come in 3 colors: black, white, and Standing on the Side of Love orange with the Standing on the Side of Love BLACK LIVES MATTER logo; small, medium, large, x-large; crew or V-neck; $15. Proceeds to pay for a BLACK LIVES MATTER banner.

Buttons & Bracelets: Roz Reynolds is ordering BLACK LIVES MATTER buttons and bracelets; funds to be requested from SEJC Exec Team funds.

ERACISM Minutes: Sandra emailed Paul and Paul approved the concept of our team presenting "An ERACISM Minute" at each Sunday service. He'd prefer it fit into the theme of the service, so Sandra emailed the schedule:

1/1/17 Connecting to our purpose/calling
1/8/17. Neighbors and friends
1/15/17. MLK Common ground
1/29/17 Right relations/Intention 
2/5/17. Right relations. Conversation stoppers. Safety
2/12/117. Making relationships last / relationship resilience
2/26/17. Pilgrimage 
3/26/17. Cesar Chavez birthday
4/9/17. Relationships with the Divine (chistianities, theisms...)
4/16/17 Choir finale
4/23/17. YRUU
5/21/17. Coming of age

6/18/17. Flower communion

Lauralee will ask Paul to do the first one with an introduction on 12/4/16. She will ask the congregation: "Stand up if you would like to be treated as a black person is treated in this country."

Some topics that have been suggested:
  • Statistics
  • Skits
  • Quotes
  • Stories
Next Meeting: Monday, December 12, 6pm at BUF

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Resources, Resources, Resources!

We all are climbing the learning curve!  Please start with yourself and take advantage of some wonderful resources from our very own Unitarian Universalist Association!


Come to meetings on the 2nd and 4th Mondays at BUF at 6 pm; Read the meeting minutes if you can't attend!

Read the books recommended on this blog!

November 14, 2016 BUF Black Lives Matter Team Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Lauralee C, Erika, Heidi O, Libby, Melissa, Barbara D, Claire, Joyce, Kim, Andrew, Sandra G, Kate S, Liz Epperson, Mary Alden

Group Dynamics/Process: Institute a system of communication referred to as STACK and passing a talking stick so all are heard. We also need to work on not attacking each other, listening empathetically and respecting differing opinions while disagreeing.

  • Erika read from the BUF Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team (Approved) Application, the section on the theological foundation for our team
  • Libby attended the Leadership Council meeting. Our team will need to submit a charter for internal BUF organization
  • Heidi will be taking orders for Black Lives Matter T shirts
  • Sandra will email Paul about getting "An Eracism Minute" scheduled in every Sunday service

Program: robindiangelo.com/resources
Erika showed a video entitled, "What Does It Mean to be White in a Society that Proclaims Race Meaningless?"
Discussion followed.  Topics included:
  • Hostility in race conversations
  • Lens on Whiteness studies
  • 'New' racism - today's dominant racial narrative
  • superficial and uninformed opinions
  • Prejudice, Discrimination and Implicit Bias
  • Racism as one form of Institutional Oppression
  • Deep Racial Socialization: Segregated Neighborhoods, White Teachers, Media
  • Belonging:  Government, Religion, Human Norm, Art, "Most Beautiful"

Book recommendations:
      THE NEW JIM CROW by Michelle Alexander: https://www.amazon.com/New-Jim-Crow-Incarceration-Colorblindness/dp/1595586431/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1479437845&sr=1-1&keywords=the+new+jim+crow
      WAKING UP WHITE by Debby Irving: https://www.amazon.com/Waking-White-Finding-Myself-Story/dp/0991331303/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1479437899&sr=1-1&keywords=waking+up+white
     THE THIRD RECONSTRUCTION: How a Moral Movement Is Overcoming the Politics of Division and Fear by Rev. Dr. William J Barber: https://www.amazon.com/Third-Reconstruction-Movement-Overcoming-Politics/dp/0807007412/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1479437940&sr=1-1&keywords=the+third+reconstruction+by+william+barber

Reading:  The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House by Audre Lorde: http://muhlenberg.edu/media/contentassets/pdf/campuslife/SDP%20Reading%20Lorde.pdf

Next Meeting: Monday, November 28, 6 pm at BUF
Program (PLEASE PRINT & READ): https://odinsblog.tumblr.com/post/127808197400/28-common-racist-attitudes-and-behaviors

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Wonder if you all are familiar with The Young Turks (TYT) online news and politics commentary TV
channel?  All it's commentators are progressives, and a couple are really knowledgeable and insightful (Cenk and Anna).  Here's a link:  www.youtube.com/user/TheYoungTurks/videos

One of the recent stories is of special interest to me and I suspect a lot of you:  Who's To Blame for Hilary Clinton's Loss?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNZmXhxuThU&hd=1  I
It includes a lot of election statistics that support Cenk's assertion that Clinton and the Democratic Party establishment were themselves responsible, that she was a very flawed and compromised candidate who, among other things, did not get enough of the Latino vote (she got about 65% but amazingly Trump got 33%!) and the millennial vote (only 19% of millennial's voted in this election, vs 51% in 2008).

Another story relates to Black Lives Matter:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZIWN5g8fNA&hd=1  Black Lives Matter Sued by Slain Officer's Father
The lawsuit is obviously based on bullsh*t and probably will get thrown out of court I suspect.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Books Team Members Suggest

1.  Barbara Davenport suggests the book:

“ Waking Up White and Finding Myself in the story of Race”  by Debby Irving ( paperback,  2014).

She says, "I  found it very informative and thoughtfully written and opened my eyes to subtle, subconscious ways I don’t acknowledge white privilege.  Each chapter  ends with self-reflective questions." 

 The library has two copies.   Village Books doesn’t have it but it can be ordered through them.  

The book authors statement:  

"Waking Up White is the book I wish someone had handed me decades ago. My hope is that by sharing my sometimes cringe-worthy struggle to understand racism and racial tensions, I offer a fresh perspective on bias, stereotypes, manners, and tolerance. As I unpack my own long-held beliefs about colorblindness, being a good person, and wanting to help people of color, I reveal how each of these well-intentioned mindsets actually perpetuated my ill-conceived ideas about race. I also explain why and how I’ve changed the way I talk about racism, work in racially mixed groups, and understand the racial justice movement as a whole. Exercises at the end of each chapter prompt readers to explore their own racialized ideas. Waking Up White's personal narrative is designed to work well as a rapid read, a book group book, or support reading for courses exploring racial and cultural issues."

2.  Many in the team suggest:  "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander
The Bellingham library has several copies.

3.  Lauralee suggests "The Third Reconstruction" by The Reverend Dr. Wm. J. Barber II

Program Guest Speaker May 15th

On May 15th, our guest speakers were Barbara Miller and Adilene Calderone of Friendship Diversion Services.  This was the second of our prog...