Monday, February 13, 2023

Minutes of BUF BLM Business Meeting December 12, 2022

 BUF Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team

Minutes for December 12, 2022, 7pm

In Attendance: Rupert Ayton, Stephanie Sarver, Pam Graham, Mike Betz, David Curley, and Naomi Gary (providing the minutes)

1. Land acknowledgement

2. David discussed the follow up to James Addington Tragic Investment book group. He worked with Genia Allen-Schmidt. Ideas include…. create a historical record of BUF’s ARAOMC work. Reparations including BUF paying rent to the Lummi Nation. David also brought up news that the BUF Climate Action Team is reforming. Todd Jones to get the word out by January 2023. 

3. Mel to discuss RCC collaboration in January

4. Planning a retreat in March 2023…Rupert to send out an email re interest.

5. Donnell “TANK” Tanksley campaign for Sheriff…let’s invite him to speak to BLM. Learn more.

6. Possible guest speakers:

Rupert to contact theese potential guest speakers...

Dr James Ray WWU music

Dr Richard Hodges WWU music

Deanna Lane D/E/I consultant

Naomi to contact these potential guest speakers…

Damani Johnson (retired WWU professor)

WWU Black Student Union representative

Brian Womack

Additional ideas for guest speakers...

Clyde Ford (Author)

Jason McGill (at NWYS)

TeeJay Morris (NWYS, Juneteenth Coordinator, Bellingham Unity Committee)

Flo Simon (former Interim COB Police Chief)

Debra Lekanoff (WA State Rep)

Sislena Ledbetter (WWU ED for Counseling, Health, and Wellness)

Gabe Everson

Daman Wandke

7. Rupert to send out an email to let people know how to participate in MLK Activities

Identified MLK day 1/16/23 activities such as…

 WCC organized by Whatcom Human Resource Task Force (regular annual event)

TeeJay’s Masquerade Ball at the Yacht Club on Saturday 1/14/23

8. Planned for May 25th Floyd Memorial Bench

Naomi to contact Kristina Michele Martens for ideas and suggestions…maybe Opera in the Park? With Dr. Ray and Dr. Hodges from WWU Music??

9. Identify Juneteenth activities…need to work on this

10. Racial Equity Commission Update…reach out to Elie/David to f/u

11. Coordination with CBC on AR/AO/MC speakers and schedule

12. Community Actions and Projects…ongoing!

a. We have noted that Bellingham lacks a documented Black history and plaques memorializing locations of notable events

i. Rupert found resources at the library and at the local Cemetery

13. Pam Graham mentioned that other faiths are active in our community, and we should make sure we are in coordination with them. She mentioned Baha’i and Sikh. Naomi has been in contact with Marilyn Freal at the Presbyterian Church.

Minutes of February 9, 2023 Business Meeting

 BUF Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team

Minutes for January 9, 7pm

In Attendance: Rupert Ayton, Stephanie Sarver, Mike Betz, David Curley, Mel Hoover, Murray Bennet, Claire Lending, and Naomi Gary

1. Rupert gave a brief land acknowledgement 

2. The group discussed the MLK celebration planned for the 16th in the Sanctuary.  Rupert, David, Mel and Rose will volunteer to help with set-up, greeting, and take-down

3. David further discussed the follow up to James Addington Tragic Investment book group

a. BUF needs to make its history visible

i. Start with recent accomplishments

1. Mailee and Genia to help

2. Create a poster

ii. Organize a working group to research long term history

b. Check out for rethinking governance; David will attend one of their sessions

c. Space for events.  Look for intersectional opportunities to host at BUF.  MLK event is a good example.

i. David and Naomi will attend SEJC meeting on Jan 22

d. Reparations.  Consider paying a reparation rent to the Lummi as part of a restorative justice action.  King County is paying the Duwamish.

4. Article 2.  The group discussed the status of revisions to Article 2 and the need to have input.  Stephanie provided an insight from a conversation with Lou Phinney.  Murray will follow up with the Board and Lou to understand the process and how BLM may participate.

5. Deb Cruz is trying to reform the Environmental Justice team.  That is an intersectional opportunity for BLM.

6. Mel gave a detailed overview to possible RCC collaboration.  It is a compassionate community building opportunity.  The group discussed breaking down the opportunity into bite-sized chunks with a beginning and end that could engage more participants. The work needs to be framed as a positive story.  Details are in the attachment.

7. Planning a retreat in March 2023.  No response to the BLM subscriber email.  Perhaps the retreat could spend some time on discussing RCC.

8. BLM needs to know the open spot dates for AR/AO/MC moments and then recruit speakers.  Rupert spoke with Jeff Copeland and there is no technology problem for playing remotely recorded AR/AO/MC moments, playing video or audio clips, or using slides.

We ran out of time for discussing other agenda items.

Program Guest Speaker May 15th

On May 15th, our guest speakers were Barbara Miller and Adilene Calderone of Friendship Diversion Services.  This was the second of our prog...