Lives Matter Ministry Action Team
4, 2020
The meeting convened
at 6 pm on Zoom. Present were Amoret Heise, David Curley, Mary Alden,
Cat McIntyre, Lauralee Carbone and Paul Beckel (for a while).
Eracism minutes
May 11 programs
8th Principle and SEJC
New member
Beloved Conversations 2
1. Eracism
May 10 Mary Alden
May 17 Amoret Heise
May 24 David Curley
May 31 Cat McIntyre
services are now broadcast via Zoom. If you will be giving the
Eracism minute, be sure to contact Rev. Paul by Wednesday, because
there will likely be a rehearsal that you will have to attend.
May 11 program. Mary Alden will tell about her recent six-week
experiene in South Africa. She may include these subjects:
How an all white church integrated;
How it feels to be white in a majority black country;
How the Black Sash women's movement affected apartheid
What black Africans told her about cultural appropriation; and/or
How COVID19 is affecting South Africans.
will send a blurb to MWU and BUF News; Lauralee will post on BLM blog
and Facebook.
Eighth Principle Update. The working group, composed of
representatives from Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team,
Immigrant Rights, Native American Connections, Community to
Community Partnership and Healthy Relations Team, have completed a
draft resolution and are working on a background document.. Karen
Nuckles-Flinn , Mary Alden and Kara Black will have a meeting soon
about how to structure the consensus building meetings with the
New participant. Lauralee was approached by Michael Knapp who had
questions about Eracism minutes, and Black Lives Matter. Cat will add
him to the mailing list.
Beloved Conversations. Cat presented the cost of Beloved
Conversations 1: $3,073. inclusing $2,200 for Fahs Collaborative. A
Beloved Conversations 2 would have a budget of about $3,000. David
warned that BUF closure due to the pandemic has strained the budget
and the board is unlikely to consider funding BC until Fall 2021. We
will create a firm budget during this summer, and approach SEJC for a
contribution to the budget if it seems appropriate. Some attendees at
the meeting felt Beloved Conversations pales in comparison to the
urgent needs of individuals from oppressed communities due to COVID
19. Cat mentioned that the State of Washington now has statistics on
the number of people of color who have been diagnosed or died from
the virus. She will send this information to Amoret.
meeting: June 1, 2020.
Respectfully submitted
Cat McIntyre, co-facilitator
BUF Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team