BUF Black Lives Matter
Ministry Action Team Meeting
Minutes: Monday,
August 3, 2020
The business/planning meeting was held at 6 pm on
zoom. Present: Barbara Gilday, Judy Fruhbach, Amoret Heise, Cat
McIntyre, Henry Ohana, Lauralee Carbone, David Curley, Genia Allen, Claire
Lending, Murray Bennett, Mary Alden, Susie Walker
1. Eracism minutes
2. 8th Principle update
3. Rapid Response Telephone Tree
4. Black Lives Matter banner
1. Eracism minutes.
9 Mary
16 Barbara
23 Henry Ohana
30 Lauralee
Everyone giving an Eracism minute should be sure to
contact Rev. Paul by Wednesday before the service to introduce themselves,
discuss the focus of the service and learn whether they should attend a
2. 8th Principle update. The August 2 service with guests Bruce
Pollock-Johnson and Paula Cole-Jones, from Philadelphia and Maryland,
respectively, was well received.
Genia very much wants to help organize/facilitate
adult classes this year, (in addition to what we're doing in RE)
about anti-racism issues and action. She has ordered Widening the
Circle/the 8th Principle and will be exploring a possible class/discussion on
that, and would also like to help organize a multi-gen service on how to
be an ally if that fits in with the BLM vision. She asked what classes,
focus groups or topics would be useful and she will get them scheduled.
She also suggested some "movie nights" where
we show a movie on zoom (or have a set time for people to watch it on their
own), with a discussion afterwards could be fun. Popcorn, chocolate and
wine will be encouraged.
She has ordered some important books on anti-racism,
and can make those available on a check out basis:
you want to talk about race
the Circle
to be an anti-racist
The 8th Principle work group will do the service on
August 16. We discussed what BLM would like included:
§ Focus
on parts of the Eighth principle that apply to congregational life
§ Why
is the 8th principal important and what is the goal
§ Describe
what change would look like
§ Engage
Black speakers/ministers
§ How
we welcome new people
§ Skit
"do's and don'ts" (Lauralee said she would work on this)
§ Longer
interactive "coffee hour" discussion
§ RE
description (if Genia is available)
The coffee hour discussion should have assigned hosts
for each group. Each group will include: 1) a facilitator, who assures that
participants follow guidelines for how long each person speaks, and without
repeats until all have been given the opportunity to speak; and 2) another
person to provide history and answer questions. (Facilitators don't answer
questions or provide history.)
We will provide these suggestions on behalf of Black
Lives Matter MAT to the 8th principle working group that is designing the
August 16 service.
3. Rapid Response Telephone Tree. Genia and Henry have been working on this. They have
designated 11 callers, each of whom would call 4-5 people. Cat McIntyre would
be the originator, to call and send info, by text and email, to the 11 callers
to pass on. Cat would like the list to be refined to invite others in the
congregation to participate and allow people now on the list to opt out. We
decided that Lauralee and Hank will write up a blurb for MWU and buf-news to
describe the Rapid Response Team concept and invite people to call Cat if they
want to join. The Rapid Response concept may also be presented at the August 16
4. Black Lives Matter Banner. Lauralee suggested it is time to put up a Black Lives
Matter banner outside the church. The poster is no longer in the outside notice
board. We should contact Judy Kasper about the process for getting this hung,
and how to make the banner.
Next meeting: Program meeting Monday, August 10
at 7 pm; business and planning meeting, Sept. 7(??this is Labor Day).
Respectfully submitted
Cat McIntyre, co-facilitator