Lives Matter Ministry Team
Karen K-F Nan Lauralee
Cat Judy
Pine Courtney
Martie Carl Heidi
Angie Libby Judy Kasper
Paul Suzanne
Eracism Minute Scheduling
Follow-up from Paul after
last meeting
November 12th
BLM service
Representative to Board vis
a vis goal of “increasing vibrancy and diversity of
Heidi opened the meeting by
recommending the November 2017 issue of the UU World magazine which
contains many good articles on race. It is available online and in
the lobby.
Paul thanked the Team for the
conversation last month, stating that it was intense but important.
Many issues from that meeting were clarified. The “us against them”
feeling that developed was aired, as well as the loss of trust that
occurred when previously agreed upon plans (the eracism minute) were
changed. Concern was expressed that having the BLM service on the
Sunday of the Retreat would reduce the audience significantly. This
felt like a diminishment of the BLM message to many.
Paul noted that he had not
even realized the service fell on the Retreat date and had meant no
disrespect in assigning that date to BLM. It was suggested that the
second BLM Service be later in the year to enhance planning time and
impact of the message.
the Eracism Minute and Process:
Paul is ultimately responsible
for Sunday Services. He felt, partially because there had been a
number of Sundays where BLM did not provide an Eracism Minute, that
there were 5 Sundays that did not require a Minute. He took this idea
to Ericka and Lauralee and they compromised on 2. Team members would
have preferred to be involved in that decision. Tensions were
increased when he mistakenly left BLM off the order of service, which
he felt “terrible” about.
vs. Them:
emerged that these events led to a feeling of us vs. them, and loss
of trust between BLM and the BUF staff, from whom “rumblings”
(why do we need these Eracism Minutes?) were being heard. Martie
noted that the resolution gives BLM the charge to educate the
congregation; that if we go back to the Mission the way forward is
clear. Therefore, the question becomes where is the questioning of
the activities coming from. Lauralee asked if BLM has full staff
support. It was agreed that a conversation between BLM reps and the
staff could be helpful in reducing tensions and facilitating
anti-racist work at BUF. This meeting would include Paul, Kathy,
Kevin and Jennifer and might resemble sensitivity training.
We acknowledged that these are
difficult conversations to have and that putting everything on the
table in clear, concrete language is needed to create a
well-functioning team.
Angie pointed out that we are
all learning, and that members of BLM consciously chose to focus on
difficult discussions around race. And BLM has a charge to engage all
congregation members including those that did not make that conscious
choice. Addressing different learning styles could help engage more
people. Suggestions for this included: insert messages in the order
of service, use the BLM service to explain Eracism Minutes, using
different modalities, eg visual, for teaching, Chalice Circles, Adult
Brainstorming ideas which
included: Teach in; acknowledge vulnerability required for this work;
white fragility; defensiveness; define white supremacy; fear of
conflict; how issues are reflected in hiring decisions, etc.; hand
signals and numbers used to communicate white supremacy; video
showing white man and black man engaged in same activity eg renting
Explain Eracism Minute
Music: Answering the Call of
Love, Smiling Faces, Ella's Story
Children's story: Pink and
Say by Patricia Pollaco a possibility
video clip – The Talk
Kick off Adult Education
Board request for rep to
“increase vibrancy and diversity of congregation”:
With the caveat that BLM
deliberately rejected the idea of setting a goal of increasing the
number of blacks in the pews, and that BUF may not be a safe place
for Blacks, BLM chooses to participate with the Board so as to have
input to their process and break down barriers. Partnering with Black
Churches was also suggested.
was agreed that BLM would plan the November 12th
Service but not the October 8th
due to the coinciding of the Retreat date.
Eracism Minutes will occur
every Sunday, except 9-17 and 12-10, through the end of this year.
– Hilde, September 24th
– Judy
Paul will coordinate with the
person providing the Eracism Minute
Us vs. Them
The Communication Committee
(Courtney) will be the liaison to set up a meeting to build bridges
between BLM and the staff (Paul, Cathy, Kevin, Jennifer). This
committee will also communicate with staff re: services.
Learning Styles: Courtney,
Martie and Suzanne will meet with Jennifer re: adult anti-racist
program. Discussion will include curriculum choice, format, starting
Libby, Kat and Karen will work
with Lauralee and Ericka on Service.
Board Request:
Courtney will represent BLM to
the Board.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Duscha