Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Minutes: April 6, 2020

Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team
Minutes of Meeting - April 6, 2020

 The meeting convened at 6 pm on Zoom. Present: Amoret Heise, Henry Ohana, Lauralee Carbone, David Curley, Mary Alden and Cat McIntyre

1.    Eracism minutes
2.    April 13 and May 11 programs
3.    8th Principle and SEJC
4.    Beloved Conversations

 1.  Eracism minutes. 
·     April 12          Easter - Paul requested no Eracism minute
·     April 19          David Curley
·     April 26          Claire Lending (Henry will request)
·     May 3             Mary Alden
 The services are now broadcast via Zoom. If you will be giving the Eracism minute, be sure to contact Rev. Paul by Wednesday, because there will likely be a rehearsal that you will have to attend. Last Saturday, I was at the rehearsal for about an hour.

2. April 13 and May 11 programs.These meetings will be on Zoom. David will host the 4/13 meeting on Part 2 of Episode 5 of 1619 project. Cat will get the meeting into MWU. Cat asked Mary to give the 5/11 meeting recounting her recent experience in South Africa. Some suggestions for her presentation included: how the white church she attended handled integration of black South Africans; music; how South African black persons differ from U.S. black persons.
3.  Eighth Principle & SEJC.  Cat and Deb Cruz presented the current draft of the 8th Principal resolution to the April 5 meeting of SEJC. Lauralee praised the committee who wrote the final draft (Deb Cruz, David Curley and Michael Betz). Everyone wanted a copy; Cat sent the latest draft out to the SEJC mailing list and asked for their comments.
Mary Alden reported that Karen Nuckles-Flinn shared the draft 8th Principle draft with the Healthy Relationships Team. Mary has previous experience and materials that she used  with Deb Cruz on resolutions for the congregation; she will work with Karen on future congregational meetings Cat will send Mary the current draft. She also asked to participate in the next 8th principle meeting on April 16 at 1 pm via Zoom.
Deb Cruz wrote a letter/script to accompany requests to the community groups for review and comments on the 8th principle draft. Henry has already contacted Whatcom Peace and Justice representative.  Cat notified the congregation about the 8th principle effort during the Eracism minute at the April 5 BUF Sunday service; and Lauralee posted a link to the BLUU 8th principle resolved on Zoom during the service.
Beloved Conversations. We now have a summary of the costs of the first Beloved Conversations program.  Cat did not ask SEJC for money.
Expenses of Beloved Conversations I:  
Contract with FAHS collaborative
Retreat supplies
Retreat dinner
Retreat, food and kitchen help
Easels, markers, etc.
Retreat facilitator hotel/mileage

Next meeting: May 4, 2020, via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted
Cat McIntyre, co-facilitator
BUF Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team

Program Guest Speaker May 15th

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