BUF Black Lives Matter
Ministry Action Team Charter
amended October 2021
1. Mission and Goals. Based on the adoption of the Covenant for a Beloved Community at the BUF Congregational meeting on November 15, 2020, The Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team will plan and undertake actions that journey toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse, multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and in our institutions.
We acknowledge that injustice and oppression spiritually damage both the oppressed and oppressor. We acknowledge that racism has many targets, and that different forms of racism have developed different histories of stereotyping and oppression. We also acknowledge that racism is linked to other forms of oppression, especially oppressions based on class, gender, and sexual orientation.
2. Membership. The following eleven people regularly attend business meetings: David Curley, Cat McIntyre, Henry Ohana, Judy Kasper, Lauralee Carbone, Claire Lending, Murray Bennett, Barbara Gilday, Tom Kirchner, Naomi Gary, and AmoretHeise. In addition, we have a mailing list of 47 people and a Rapid Response phone tree of 68 people(including duplicates of mailing list). In October-November 2021, we will survey the mailing list to ascertain whether they want to continue to be on the phone tree, how would they like to be a part of Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team, and whether they would like to join the leadership of the team.
3. Theological Foundation. Our team believes we are all one with the universe—what affect one of us affects all of us. We see ourselves in all the UU principles and certainly in the Eighth Priniciple, which BUF has adopted as the Covenant of Beloved Community. Our efforts are based on a commitment to spiritual growth, spiritual wholeness and Beloved Community, to justice, equity and compassion.
4. Mission and Vision: The BUF Black Lives Matter Ministry Action team supports the SEJC mission by seeking to nurture the social, spiritual and personal development of congregation members in the exploration of how racism and privilege affect our congregation, and our nation. We acknowledge the targeted violence which impacts black people disproportionately. We work to end racial discrimination and injustice, starting within ourselves and moving out into the world around us. We support anti-racist congregations and advocate for stopping racist policies like mass imprisonment and attacks on voting rights. We are committed to harnessing the power of love to dismantle racism and white supremacy across our communities and to creating spaces inclusive of people of all races, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. We work with many partners in support of the Black Lives Matter movements.
5. Timeline: We expect to exist until BUF becomes a fully inclusive, anti-racist, multicultural organization in a transformed society.
6. Measurement of Success. The Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team will track and report quarterly to the BUF Social and Environmental Justice Committee (SEJC), describing the nature and number of meetings and events held. We also expect to use the Beloved Covenant audit process annually, and incorporate feedback from BIPOC communities on our effectiveness in reaching our goals.
7. Finances: The Black Lives Matter Ministry Teamrequest funds from BUF SEJC and from private donors to raise $5,000 for anti-racism and allyship training for the congregation in the year 2021. Members of the team also work with “Beloved Community –It’s in Our Hands” to raise additional grant funding to present the trainings in 2022.
8. Engaging the Congregation: Here are our annual objectives for the congregational years July 2021 - June 2024:
9. Ministry Action Team Requirements: Actively participate with the Social & Environmental Justice Committee by sending a representative to each of three annual SEJC meetings. Report a summary of your activities and accomplishments to SEJC prior to each meeting. Abide by subcommittee procedures as developed by the BUF Operations Team.
Does your ministry team agree to meet these requirements? YES
Names of Lead Applicants (minimum 5): David Curley, Cat McIntyre, Henry Ohana, Judy Kasper, Lauralee Carbone, Claire Lending, Murray Bennett, Barbara Gilday, Tom Kirchner, Naomi Gary, AmoretHeise
Primary Contact and their contact information: Cat McIntyre, mcintyrec45@gmail.com
Application (or Renewal) Date: November 1, 2021
Charter Application Approval date: __________SEJC _________BUF Operations Team