Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Meeting Minutes 6/1/2020

Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team
June 1, 2020

The meeting convened at 6 pm on Zoom. Present were Amoret Heise, David Curley, Mary Alden, Cat McIntyre, Lauralee Carbone, Margie Williams, Linda Clarke, Carol Dukes, Virginia Hays, Murray Bennett, Claire Lending, Judy Kasper, Henry Ohana,  Lisa Heezen, Tessie Mandeville, Jan Krouskop, Elizabeth Skinner, Marty Villa=Lovoz, and Genia Allen

1.    Check in, especially for new members
2.    Eracism minutes
3.    June 8 program

1.  Check in.  Many people visited  our zoom team meeting for the first time. Some just want to see what we do. All expressed anger, fear and sadness over recent murder of black men, civil discord and wondering what's next. 

2. Eracism minutes.  Lauralee described the origin and purpose of eracism minutes. We aim to educate, and aren't surprised when we get push-back. Our work is not comfortable, but we believe it is necessary if change is going to come to our congregation and our society.

·     June 7             Henry Ohana            
·     June 14          Lauralee Carbone
·     June 21          Elizabeth Skinner      
·     June 28          David Curley
Services are now broadcast via Zoom. Everyone giving an Eracism minute should be sure to contact Rev. Paul by Wednesday before the service to introduce themself, discuss the focus of the service and learn whether they should attend a rehearsal.
2. June 8 program. We discussed videos and resources for effective action to combat white supremacy and structural racism. Cat suggested Robin DiAngelo's work and website (robindiangelo.com); Lauralee put the Antiracist Checklist for Whites onto the chat; Cat will send it out with the invitation to the next program meeting. Henry gave a phone number to connect to various judicial offices to protest. Mary Alden encouraged people to become active in political groups to influence change through the coming election.
We agreed to each do some homework:find one thing that will make a difference that you want to do, and bring it to the program meeting to share.
Next meeting: June 8, 2020, 7 pm

Respectfully submitted
Cat McIntyre, co-facilitato

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