Monday, April 17, 2017

April 10, 2017 BUF Black Lives Matter Team Meeting Minutes

April 10, 2017 BUF Black Lives Matter Team Meeting Minutes

Attendees:  Lauralee, Erika, Mary, Martie, Rod, Alice, Heidi, Steve, Mike Brunt, Lucy Morse, Hilde, Judy

Resolution: Rod to distill versions into a simple, meaty Resolution to be publicized and promoted at Coffee Hour, Orders of Service, Eracism Minutes, Facebook group, BUF-News, and Midweek Update.

The Team will provide a Resolution educational session at noon during Coffee Hour in the library on May 14th.

On Monday, April 17th, a workgroup will meet to plan a "Resolution Blitz."

Hilde to write up Black Lives Matter Team meeting announcements for Midweek Updates.

Banner & Posters to come after Resolution passes.


Black Lives Matter Resolution

Black Lives Matter Resolution
Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship

Whereas Unitarian Universalists, in keeping with long-standing tradition, remain committed to principles of justice, equity, and compassion in human relations;

Whereas Unitarian Universalists continue to envision and work towards a world community practicing liberty and justice for all;

Whereas the 2015 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association passed an Action of Immediate Witness ( calling congregations to take deliberate action in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and in the fight for racial justice;


Whereas our respect for the rights and dignity of every individual demands our standing in solidarity with victims of racial, ethnic, and religious hatred and bigotry, all by-products of U.S. white privilege and indifference to equal justice for ethnic minorities;

Resolved, that the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship:

1. Resolutely affirms our support of the UUA Action of Immediate Witness to support the “Movement for Black Lives Matter,” both in words and deeds.
2. Commits to educating ourselves and our community that institutional racism extends beyond white privilege and oppressive cultural systems, and that the unresolved struggles for justice and equality for Black people in the U.S.’s past remain the cause of our struggles today. 
3. Commits to partnering with local community organizations to leverage resources and harness the power of love to combat racism targeting Black people and oppression at all levels of our communities and their governments.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

April 2, 2017 Sunday Forum

April 2, 2017 Sunday Forum

Erika and Lauralee led a second Black Lives Matter Forum to a packed BUF Boardroom.

Robin Diangelo's video was shown.

March 13, 2017 BUF Black Lives Matter Team Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2017 BUF Black Lives Matter Team Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Erika, Lauralee, Heidi, Cat, Michael, Alice, Mike Betz, Martie, Rod Haynes, Nancy Steele, Liz E.

Business: Our team will host BUF coffee hour on May 14th
                 Rod Haynes will sell copies of his book as a fundraiser
                 Forum on April 2nd
                 At April 9th SEJC Meeting, we will present a resolution similar to the UUA GA 2015 Call                        to Witness and ask for support before presenting for a vote at the May Congregational                          Meeting

28 Racist Attitudes:  We discussed #16 "I was an Indian in a Former Life" as well as a discussion of cultural appropriation and the differences among Assimilation, Acculturation and Appropriation.

Eracism Minutes continue!

February 13, 2017 BUF Black Lives Matter Team Meeting Minutes

February 13, 2017 BUF Black Lives Matter Team Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Erika, Lauralee, Virginia, Hilde, Martie, Alice, Judy, Noel, Nan, Cat, Heidi, Andrew, Michael, Mary, David

Business: T-shirts are in; pick up from Heidi.
                 Successful forum on 1/29/17 --packed! Another one scheduled for April 2nd.

Eracism Minutes: Michael, Hilde and Heidi volunteered to do some; reports these "minutes" are very effective in consciousness-raising.

28 Racism Attitudes:  We continue to discuss the reality and consequences of racist attitudes:

  •   8.  But What About Me? i.e., "Look how I've been hurt, oppressed, exploited..."
  •   9.  We Have Overcome, i.e., "We dealt with racism in the 60's with all the marches, sit-ins and speeches by Dr. King. Laws have been changed. Segregation and lynching are ended. We have some details to work out but real racism is pretty much a thing of the past."
  • 10.  The End Run, Escapism, i.e., "Of course racism is terrible, but what about sexism? or classism? or heterosexism? or the attempt to evade recognition and responsibility for any form of oppression to divert attention away from racial injustice.
  • 11.  Due Process, i.e., "Lady Justice is [color]blind." 
More Resources: Check out the ACLU actions, the Southern Poverty Law Center literature, and Michael Erik Dyson's book, TEARS WE CANNOT STOP.

February 27, 2017 BUF Black Lives Matter Team Meeting Minutes

February 27, 2017 BUF Black Lives Matter Team Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Erika, Lauralee, David, Martie, Mary, Judy, Libby, Courtney, Mike

Chalice Lighting: What wearing the Black Lives Matter T-shirt means; what you're getting out of the Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team

Business: Hosting a Coffee Hour- Mary will be the lead on this; Date in May; Sign up using the Sign-up Genius; Wear our T-shirts; Be prepared to explain our team's purpose and activities

28 Racist Attitudes: We discussed the following:

  • 12. Innocence by Association, i.e., "I'm not racist because...I have POC in my family, my lover is Black, I marched with Dr. King..."
  • 13. The Penitent, i.e., "I am so sorry for the way whites have treated your people. or "I am sorry for the terrible things that white man just said to you." or other expressions of white guilt.
  • 14. The White Wash, i.e., "He's really a very nice guy, he's just had some bad experiences with Koreans." 
  • 15. Not Here in Lake Wobegon (or Bellingham...or BUF!)

Program Guest Speaker May 15th

On May 15th, our guest speakers were Barbara Miller and Adilene Calderone of Friendship Diversion Services.  This was the second of our prog...