Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Business Meeting Minutes

 BUF Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team

Minutes – October 4, 2021 Business/Planning Meeting


Present:  Mike Betz, Lauralee Carbone, Rose Edington, Naomi, Gary, Amoret Heise, Tom Kirchner and Cat McIntyre


Anti-Racism Minutes:  

         Oct. 10      Mike Betz, Informs on himself

         Oct. 17      Cat McIntyre, Gerrymandering/Census – Invite to do anti-racism minutes

         Oct. 24      Rose Edington, United Nations Day

         Oct. 31      Lauralee Carbone, The Sum of Us


The speaker should remember to alert the person running the service on or before the Wednesday before the service that they will give the anti-racism minute at the service. Also, send the script of their minute after the service to Lauralee Carbone and Deb Cruz to publish in Midweek Update and on blog.


Program Meeting.  October 11, Final episode of “Amend” – Promise, concerning immigration. Mike Betz will be discussion leader.  For November, we will listen together to a RadioLab podcast, “The Vanishing of Harry Pace,” on Zoom.  


Anti-Racism Training Update. Tom Kirchner showed flyer that will be distributed to all three congregations for two trainings in early 2022. Deb Cruz is looking at another grant ($3000) to add to the funds to pay two trainers. If BUF gets the grant, participation might be free. Whether trainings will be in person or on zoom is yet to be determined.


BLM MAT Retreat.  Annual retreat for the Black Lives Matter Ministry Action team on October 16, 12-4 pm, in the library. Our major tasks are: 1) establish our baseline for the Beloved Community audit, using the rubric and continuum; and 2) review the charter renewal (see attachments). We will also have some fun and some cupcakes. Lauralee: Brainstorm on anti-racism minutes (pro/con); Cat: micro-aggression role play ala Beloved Conversations (look at You-Tube, too); Staple Singers If You’re Ready, Come/Go with Me. Cat will send out email invitations to 46 people on BLM address list on October 5. Cat and David will invite personally: Jan Krouskop, Judy Kasper, Clare Lending and Murray Bennett.


Next Program Meetings on Zoom: October 11 and November 8

Next Business Planning Meeting on zoom:  Nov 1, 6 pm

Annual Retreat: October 16 12-4 pm at BUF


Respectfully submitted

Cat McIntyre, co-facilitator

BUF Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team


Attachments:     1) Anti-Racism rubric 

                            2) Anti-Racism continuum

                            3) BLM MAT charter    

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