Ground Rules: In the spirit of creating a safe space to explore our thoughts and feelings in a respectful discussion:
- Honor the "Talking Eraser"
- Try not to interrupt
- Reflect before responding
- Step Up, Step Back
- Use "I" messages
- Stay focused on issues; don't get personal
- Avoid 2-person dialog
- No personal put-downs
- Check your privilege
- Use clarifying statements to clarify your understanding
- Specify who you're talking about when using pronouns "they" and "them"
Communication: Andrew has set up the blogspot. Anyone can read what is posted either by going directly to http://bufblacklivesmatter.blo or going to, then Black Lives Matter Team and click "blog" link. You can also subscribe to receive posts directly to your email. If you have trouble accessing the blog or subscribing, please contact Lauralee or Erika.
T-shirts: Heidi Ohana is taking orders for BLACK LIVES MATTER T-shirts. They come in 3 colors: black, white, and Standing on the Side of Love orange with the Standing on the Side of Love BLACK LIVES MATTER logo; small, medium, large, x-large; crew or V-neck; $15. Proceeds to pay for a BLACK LIVES MATTER banner.
Buttons & Bracelets: Roz Reynolds is ordering BLACK LIVES MATTER buttons and bracelets; funds to be requested from SEJC Exec Team funds.
ERACISM Minutes: Sandra emailed Paul and Paul approved the concept of our team presenting "An ERACISM Minute" at each Sunday service. He'd prefer it fit into the theme of the service, so Sandra emailed the schedule:
Buttons & Bracelets: Roz Reynolds is ordering BLACK LIVES MATTER buttons and bracelets; funds to be requested from SEJC Exec Team funds.
ERACISM Minutes: Sandra emailed Paul and Paul approved the concept of our team presenting "An ERACISM Minute" at each Sunday service. He'd prefer it fit into the theme of the service, so Sandra emailed the schedule:
1/1/17 Connecting to our purpose/calling
1/8/17. Neighbors and friends
1/15/17. MLK Common ground
1/29/17 Right relations/Intention
2/5/17. Right relations. Conversation stoppers. Safety
2/12/117. Making relationships last / relationship resilience
2/26/17. Pilgrimage
3/26/17. Cesar Chavez birthday
4/9/17. Relationships with the Divine (chistianities, theisms...)
4/16/17 Choir finale
4/23/17. YRUU
5/21/17. Coming of age
6/18/17. Flower communion
Lauralee will ask Paul to do the first one with an introduction on 12/4/16. She will ask the congregation: "Stand up if you would like to be treated as a black person is treated in this country."
Some topics that have been suggested:
- Statistics
- Skits
- Quotes
- Stories
Next Meeting: Monday, December 12, 6pm at BUF