Thursday, January 17, 2019

Eracism Minute 12/23/18 Cat McIntyre

On behalf of the Black Lives Matters Ministry Action Team, I want to wish you all a joyous and loving holiday season. We honor each one of our congregants, and confirm that no matter what you go through in this life, you are loved, you are worthy.

I am also reminding you that the Black Lives Matter Ministry Action team does not say that black lives matter more than your life. We are not saying that there is only so much love and justice to go around. We ARE saying that until black people know justice, no one will know justice. To borrow from our Universalist ancestors, none are saved until all are saved.

We aren’t there yet. We aren’t where we deserve to be. We aren’t yet living in the world we were promised at our birth, but we will get there. Each day we meet fear and anger with love we bend the arc a little closer to justice.

Cat McIntyre

Program Guest Speaker May 15th

On May 15th, our guest speakers were Barbara Miller and Adilene Calderone of Friendship Diversion Services.  This was the second of our prog...