Thursday, March 4, 2021

Black Lives Matter Program on Reparations - March 8 at 7 pm


You are invited to a dialogue on reparations and H.R. 40 with Seattle group, GRACE (Grandmothers for Race and Class Equality). Here is your zoom link. 

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Minutes of March 1, 2021 Business/Planning Meeting

                                     BUF Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team

Minutes of March 1, 2021 Business/Planning Meeting


The meeting, on Zoom, began at 6 pm. Present were: Mike Betz, David Curley, Barbara Gilday, Tom Kirschner, Cat McIntyre and Henry Ohana.


Anti-Racism Minutes:

            March 7          Henry Ohana

            March 14        Cat McIntyre   

            March 21        Mike Betz

            March 28        David Curley OR someone from Covenant of Beloved Community

                                   (Forum meeting to be held Thursday, March 4)


Program Planning:

March 8 - Reparations.  The GRACE group plan 45 minutes of presentation on HR 40 followed by 45 minutes of Q&A.  The Seattle group asked whether they can invite other interested parties from Bainbridge Island and Mukilteo. We agreed this is fine.


April 12 – Henry volunteered to coordinate a program on Rev. William Barber. David will assist.


Other future program ideas:  Rebecca Parker, a well-known author. David may coordinate.


Beloved Conversations 2:  The Board has assigned $1000 for anti-racism training. They have questioned whether the Beloved Conversations in same format is the best. Inside evaluations of Beloved Conversations 1 were completed by each BC group and sent to Fahs Collaborative. Each group also met at the end of the program to evaluate their group experience. Finally, all the groups met together to create a “to do” list, which is now part of the Covenant of Beloved Community tentative action plan.  One item on the Beloved Conversation 1 “to do” list was passage of the 8th Principle, which has been successfully achieved.  We will assemble some of the evaluative materials already mention to form an evaluation of Beloved Conversations 1.


Cat suggested we might also explore local resources for anti-racism and ally-ship training from BIPOC.  An example is Kim Harris, Distinctive Voice Consulting. All of us will do some research on her group, including references from previous groups she trained, and report at the April business meeting.


Phone Tree.  Cat sent out a request to the primary callers asking them to test their list and inform us of any revisions needed. Only one person has responded, Judy Fruhbauer. Others will make sure they do their part.


Next Business Planning Meeting:  April 7, 6 pm

Next Program Meetings:  March 8, 7 pm and April 12, 7 pm.


Respectfully submitted

Cat McIntyre, co-facilitator


Program Guest Speaker May 15th

On May 15th, our guest speakers were Barbara Miller and Adilene Calderone of Friendship Diversion Services.  This was the second of our prog...