Black Lives Matter Resolution
Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship
Whereas Unitarian Universalists, in keeping with long-standing tradition, remain committed to principles of justice, equity, and compassion in human relations;
Whereas Unitarian Universalists continue to envision and work towards a world community practicing liberty and justice for all;
Whereas the 2015 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association passed an Action of Immediate Witness ( calling congregations to take deliberate action in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and in the fight for racial justice;
Whereas our respect for the rights and dignity of every individual demands our standing in solidarity with victims of racial, ethnic, and religious hatred and bigotry, all by-products of U.S. white privilege and indifference to equal justice for ethnic minorities;
Resolved, that the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship:
1. Resolutely affirms our support of the UUA Action of Immediate Witness to support the “Movement for Black Lives Matter,” both in words and deeds.
2. Commits to educating ourselves and our community that institutional racism extends beyond white privilege and oppressive cultural systems, and that the unresolved struggles for justice and equality for Black people in the U.S.’s past remain the cause of our struggles today.
3. Commits to partnering with local community organizations to leverage resources and harness the power of love to combat racism targeting Black people and oppression at all levels of our communities and their governments.