Attendees: Erika, Lauralee, Cat, Hilde, Rod, David, Lisa, Judy K., Angie, Allegra, Heidi, Mary, Suzanne, Liz, Judy Pine, Carl
Chalice Lighting
Introductions & Ground Rules
Programming Committee Report:
- Eracism Minute scheduling
- Adult UUA Racism Curriculum will be offered in the fall at a different day/time from our regular 2x/month meetings
- Children's Racism Curriculum to be theme of RE in 2018-19
Communications Committee Report:
Hilde working on letter to editors of multiple newspapers re police practices and prosecution of abuses of Sharleena Lyles and others
Coalition Committee Report:
Initiative needs signatures gathered to get I-940 on the ballot:
"This measure would require law enforcement to receive violence de-escalation, mental-health, and first-aid training, and provide first-aid; and change standards for use of deadly force, adding a “good faith” standard and independent investigation."
Program: 28 Racist Attitudes:
#25 The Accountant
We keep a tally sheet. If we perform some “feat of anti-racism,” we expect reciprocity from an individual or group of color, usually with some prestige or power that can serve our interests.
Reality Check and Consequence
“I scratch your back, you scratch mine" is NOT justice seeking nor ally behavior. It serves only to reduce justice work to some kind of power brokering currency.