Black Lives Matter
Ministry Action Team
Minutes of Meeting -
December 2, 2019
The meeting convened at 6 pm, in the BUF conference
Present: David Curley, Cat McIntyre, Amoret Heise,
Judy Kasper
1. Eracism
2. Program
for 12/9
3. February
9 service
4. Strategic
planning - Big Ideas
5. Eighth
1. Eracism Minutes
12/8 None
12/22Amoret Heise - from 1619
podcast #4
Since Chad wasn't at this meeting, his assignment for
12/29 is tentative. We will try to confirm 12/29, and enlist someone
for Jan. 5, at the 12/9 program meeting.
2. Program for Dec. 9. We
will continue our study of the 1619 program at 7 pm on Monday, December
9. David will lead the discussion of Podcast 3, "The Birth of
American Music." Cat will send an email to all Black Lives
Matter Ministry Action Team (BLM MAT) members, and assure that the program is
highlighted in the Midweek Update and Order of Service on preceding Sundays. We
hope that Lauralee will send out the notice from the Blog and Facebook as she
has previously.
3. February 9 Service. BUF
BLM Ministry Action Team will organize this service. Amoret brought two ideas
for activities at the service: "Getting Ahead" - game cards that
detail the legal landmarks that sustain systemic racism in housing, jobs,
education, wealth and health care; and "Privilege Walk."
We discussed how to implement these within the
configuration of our sanctuary. Possibilities include two skits, or dividing
the congregation into the twelve "birthday" groups. Amoret will send
the materials to Cat to write up skit material. We will also discuss the format
with BUF DLL.
4. Strategic Planning - Big Ideas. Tabled until we hear from Henry Ohana, who
volunteered to develop a plan and letter for recruiting Beloved Conversations
and other participants.
5. Eighth Principle. We want to get the earliest possible start to getting
Eighth Principle onto the agenda for the May 2020 congregational meeting, so
that we will have ample time to hold public meetings to get members' input on
the proposed resolution. David will get this on the agenda for December's BUF
Board meeting. Cat will email Kara Black to assure that our efforts are
coordinated with hers; we also want to approach specific BUF groups in this
effort: e.g., Healthy Relationships, SEJC.
6. Next planning meeting:
Monday, January 6, 2020, in BUF Conference Room.
Respectfully submitted,
Cat McIntyre