In the Eracism moment today, I’ll reflect on both of those realities. In the other panel, you see my friend, James Kainyiah, in Ghana. His big laugh is like a baby’s that takes over his whole being and invites everyone to join in. James and I worked on several projects in Ghana over a period of several years. It was like that, with James. We worked and we laughed. It was natural. I looked forward to our weekly conversations and our visits to our projects.
I have a couple of African American friends here with whom I feel comfortable doing this kind of banter and joking. But for the most part, I feel I have to be careful what I say and how I say it, because there are so many people of color in this country with justifiable generational pain, that I can’t be sure how they will interpret my humor until I know them well. This tension is a great loss for all of us.
Today marks the 400th anniversary of the first slaves arriving in America from West Africa. It’s been a long time that many people in this country have worked on institutional and generational racism. I feel, and I really do believe we are about to turn this giant earth ship in new directions on the issue of racism.
Last summer’s shocking, but not unusual racial killings followed by race demonstrations and the pandemic have taught us that thinking small and within our self-centered, close circles is not the answer to a healthy and happy society for all. It is time to dream big, together– not be dragged down and dispirited by the failures of the past. Not to drown in the bad news and dire predictions repeated hourly and daily from the news. And to remember what immense societal sacrifices we have made and dollars the government has found– for what we thought would be a month and has turned into a year, so far, fighting this pandemic. Huge change CAN HAPPEN! Consider this: every unjust social institution in history seemed permanent until it was imagined otherwise.
This is the moment to declare what is obsolete, what can be reformed and what must be reimagined. Our thoughts become our actions and our actions become our reality. We need to imagine and dream big, together. We are the people to do it, joining our various gifts together to turn the great wheel of Destiny. We all have so much to gain by creating equity, justice and peace for all.
There are many steps to be taken before we can safely and joyfully come to the point of general societal, and racial trust. But let’s hold this thought to draw us forward into the emergence of a new world.
May we imagine and work for the day when our joint laughter – all peoples of all colors and cultures, evoke a wave of trust and joy that infuses and enlivens creation all around the world.