Sunday, May 9, 2021

Anti-Racism Minute 5/9/2021 - Cat McIntyre


This Mother’s Day morning, I’m reading you a letter from Twitter written by a Black mother, Sprinavasa Brown, in June 2020.

For all my White friends, fellow parents in my children’s school, neighborhood, sports teams, etc.

I’m keeping it to 100, so here is the truth…do not even ask me for a playdate, sleep over, babysitting, meet up or even send a birthday invite unless you can OPENLY talk with me and others about how you are actively being anti-racist as a parent, auntie, uncle, etc. If you have children in your life and you are not talking with them about racism, you are privileging whiteness and perpetuating white supremacy.

It is not enough to say, ‘I love you and love your kids,’ or my favorite, ‘your kids are so beautiful, my kids love your kids.’ I am raising two, bright, exceptional and beautiful Black children. Who are Blackety Black Black. They are not here to make your child feel good, or give you a Black kid photo OP, or help you feel better because you live a segregated, insular life surrounded mostly by people that look like you, and my family is one of the only Black families you know in the city, ok state.

What I may have tolerated before 2020 I damn sure won’t anymore, because I’m tired of the same conversations. Think of it as a new expectation for my parental friendship, if you must. If I have to teach my 9 year old (and been doing it since he was 5) how to behave, talk, dress, to be able to survive in this world as a Black boy, you better believe I expect you to teach your child to be anti-racist. NO excuses. Don’t talk about it, be about it.”

Check out @curious.parenting for more information and resources.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

BUF Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team BUF Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team Minutes – May 3, 2021 Business/Planning Meeting

 BUF Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team

Minutes – May 3, 2021 Business/Planning Meeting


Present: Murray Bennett, Lauralee Carbone, David Curley, Barbara Gilday, Amoret Heise, Bharti Kirchner, Tom Kirchner, Cat McIntyre, Henry Ohana


Anti-Racism Minutes:

            May 9              Cat (Ann Stevenson demurred for this Sunday)         

            May 16            David will ask Pam Graham    

            May 23            Bharti Kirchner            

            May 30            Henry will recruit        

            June 6              Henry will recruit


Remember to alert Rev. Paul on or before the Wednesday before the service where you will speak that you’re giving the anti-racism minute at the service.


Program Planning:  May 10:  Beginning of five monthly meetings where we watch and discuss “Amend,” available on Netflix. Lauralee and Cat will practice the technology to make sure we can show it on zoom.


Beloved Conversations 2:  

Evaluation of Beloved Conversations:  Cat summarized evaluation response: sent to 36 people, six of whom had been facilitators; nine people who had been participants responded. Ratings on a 1-10 scale averaged 7.1, rather positive. Asked whether they recommended a second offering of this program, 1/3 said yes, 1/3 said no and 1/3 had no response.

The $1,000 in the budget is there for next fall. We will continue to explore local alternatives. Some preferred multiple meetings over a single session, to grow cohesion among participants. Lauralee will assess feasibility of Kim Harris presenting the program. Cat will continue searching for the presenter for Fall 2019 How to talk to your Racist Uncle. Barbara suggested Louise Wilkinson, who does diversity training in at a Bellevue church. 


ABC:  Barbara Gilday reported ongoing discussions with WWU social justice arm of the School of Education. They have asked students to propose mentorships that will be reciprocal for BUF and for the students.  Genia has suggested enlisting young people from BUF for dialogue on how BUF can achieve the Beloved Community. Tom Kirchner reports that they have received commitment for financial support for one Black male student for four years, including dorm. They have additional offer of tuition and fees, without room and board. They continue with negotiate this with University of South Florida.


Phone Tree and BUF Banner:  Response to recent Anti-racism minute that reported on Rapid Response phone tree included two people who asked to be added to the list, and some voiced confusion about how to get on the phone tree. Cat will send out a request to BUF-News to solicit additional people who want to be called.  If a banner exists, it cannot be found in the SEJC closet because there is no light in the closet at present. Henry will explore with a lightbulb or a flashlight to see if there is a banner which can identify BUF people at community vigils or demontrations.


Next Business Planning Meeting:  June 7, 6 pm

Next Program Meetings:  May 10 and June 14, 7 pm.


Respectfully submitted


Cat McIntyre, co-facilitator

Minutes – May 3, 2021 Business/Planning Meeting


Present: Murray Bennett, Lauralee Carbone, David Curley, Barbara Gilday, Amoret Heise, Bharti Kirchner, Tom Kirchner, Cat McIntyre, Henry Ohana


Anti-Racism Minutes:

            May 9              Cat (Ann Stevenson demurred for this Sunday)         

            May 16            David will ask Pam Graham    

            May 23            Bharti Kirchner            

            May 30            Henry will recruit        

            June 6              Henry will recruit


Remember to alert Rev. Paul on or before the Wednesday before the service where you will speak that you’re giving the anti-racism minute at the service.


Program Planning:  May 10:  Beginning of five monthly meetings where we watch and discuss “Amend,” available on Netflix. Lauralee and Cat will practice the technology to make sure we can show it on zoom.


Beloved Conversations 2:  

Evaluation of Beloved Conversations:  Cat summarized evaluation response: sent to 36 people, six of whom had been facilitators; nine people who had been participants responded. Ratings on a 1-10 scale averaged 7.1, rather positive. Asked whether they recommended a second offering of this program, 1/3 said yes, 1/3 said no and 1/3 had no response.

The $1,000 in the budget is there for next fall. We will continue to explore local alternatives. Some preferred multiple meetings over a single session, to grow cohesion among participants. Lauralee will assess feasibility of Kim Harris presenting the program. Cat will continue searching for the presenter for Fall 2019 How to talk to your Racist Uncle. Barbara suggested Louise Wilkinson, who does diversity training in at a Bellevue church. 


ABC:  Barbara Gilday reported ongoing discussions with WWU social justice arm of the School of Education. They have asked students to propose mentorships that will be reciprocal for BUF and for the students.  Genia has suggested enlisting young people from BUF for dialogue on how BUF can achieve the Beloved Community. Tom Kirchner reports that they have received commitment for financial support for one Black male student for four years, including dorm. They have additional offer of tuition and fees, without room and board. They continue with negotiate this with University of South Florida.


Phone Tree and BUF Banner:  Response to recent Anti-racism minute that reported on Rapid Response phone tree included two people who asked to be added to the list, and some voiced confusion about how to get on the phone tree. Cat will send out a request to BUF-News to solicit additional people who want to be called.  If a banner exists, it cannot be found in the SEJC closet because there is no light in the closet at present. Henry will explore with a lightbulb or a flashlight to see if there is a banner which can identify BUF people at community vigils or demontrations.


Next Business Planning Meeting:  June 7, 6 pm

Next Program Meetings:  May 10 and June 14, 7 pm.


Respectfully submitted


Cat McIntyre, co-facilitator

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Anti-Racism Minute 5/2/2021 - Daria Kurkjy


Guilty On All Charges

Guilty. On all charges.

A surprise? It shouldn't have been. We all saw the video of a murder taking place before our eyes. The jury, a multiracial assemblage of Derek Chauvin's peers, saw the same thing. And it didn’t take long for them to come to that conclusion. 

The history of how power, race, and the will of the state have played out over the course of our nation's history did mean that this verdict, unanimous and complete, carried some currents of surprise. No facts or video were enough for millions of Americans watching the verdict in real time, with pits in stomachs, to feel the luxury of taking this outcome for granted.

We have been here before, far too many times. We have seen pictures of our past, of lynchings and slave auctions, but also of more recent times, to understand the fraught shadows that hung over this trial. And yet, we have a guilty verdict. Three of them. On all counts.

While this provides justice for George Floyd, what it means as a larger symbol is something that we cannot know at this time. Is it an inflection point, or a blip? Is it a further bending of the arc of the universe towards justice, or is it a detour? 

I have lived long enough as an optimist to cling to that lens through which to view today’s news. To be sure the system often doesn’t work, especially for Black Americans and other marginalized communities. But today, the system worked. It worked because of the bravery of the young woman, Darnella Frazier, who shot the unflinching video. It worked because of the peaceful protests in the streets. It worked because the Minneapolis Police Department made it clear that this is not who they want to be. It is rare to see a chief of police testify against a fellow officer, but Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo took to the stand and condemned the actions of Derek Chauvin as a violation of their policy, training, values and ethics. It worked because of the prosecutors and the jury.

I think you can consider today’s verdict as something that will strengthen police forces not weaken them. We need law enforcement that is accountable. We need good officers lauded and bad officers punished. We need a system that prosecutes people like Chauvin to the full extent of the law, which must apply as equally to those who wear the badge as it does to the citizens they should be serving and protecting.

We cannot wash ourselves of the sins of the past. And we cannot allow ourselves to ignore them. But we also cannot allow ourselves to lose our hope and sense of purpose. I recognize it is easy for me, with the privileges I carry, to make such a statement. So I turn for inspiration to the leaders in the past and present who fight on in hope to align the reality of America to the noblest of our founding ideals. I pray for a continued march of progress, recognizing that each step forward can only be accomplished with great grit, resilience, and determination. 

Today America took an important step. It is but one step and many more remain. It is no assurance that we will continue to stride forward in justice. But it is also a day to pause and reflect that a better, more just, more equitable America, a more perfect union for all our citizens, is indeed possible. We cannot, will not, be perfect. We can, we must be better —ever improving. Today’s verdict has made the embers of hope glow a little brighter.


Program Guest Speaker May 15th

On May 15th, our guest speakers were Barbara Miller and Adilene Calderone of Friendship Diversion Services.  This was the second of our prog...