Monday, March 16, 2020

MINUTES 3/2/2020

Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team
Minutes of Meeting - March 2, 2020

The meeting convened at 6 pm in the BUF Library. Present: Amoret Heise, Henry Ohana, Lauralee Carbone, David Curley and Cat McIntyre

  1. Eracism minutes
  2. Beloved Conversations
  3. Eighth Principle
  4. March 9 program
  5. Review of Feb 9 service and future services
  6. Other community programs

1. Eracism minutes.

  • March 8 Amoret Heise
  • March 15 Claire Lending or Murray Bennett (David will ask)
  • March 22 Barbara Gilday
  • March 29 Daria Haynes
  • April 5 Cat McIntyre

The person giving the minute shall call Rev. Paul by Wednesday of the week preceding the Sunday service at which they speak. Those who give an eracism minute shall also send the eracism minute script to Mike Betz to be included in the BUF BLM blog.
2. Beloved Conversations 2. Cat spoke to Rev. Paul, who advised that there is not enough money in the budget for next year to pay for Beloved Conversations. There was shortfall from last year that had to be made up this year. We need a broad-based congregation base who want to take the course in order to make Beloved Conversations 2 a priority. We are already incorporating actions spurred by Beloved Conversations 1 in eracism minutes and the Sunday services we create. We should also consider charging some tuition for the program.
3. Eighth Principle. Representatives from Native American Connections, Immigrant Rights and Black Lives Matter met on Feb. 12 and 18. Following that, as subcommittee (Deb Cruz Mike Betz and David Curley) have met twice to refine the wording of the resolution and make sure that other forms of oppression in addition to racism are addressed. The resolution will be reviewed again before presenting it to the BUF Board of Trustees on or about March 16. We will also plan a series of congregational meetings facilitated by the Healthy Relations team. Their representative, Karen Nuckles Flinn has been very helpful in the first two large meetings. David will make sure it is on the Board agenda for 3/16.
4. March 9 program meeting. Topic will be 1619 Project, Episode 5 part 1. David will lead the discussion; Cat will make up some questions based on the podcast. Program will be announced in Midweek Update, on BUF News and on the BUF Black Lives Matters Facebook page. There will be one more 1619 podcast to discuss (Episode 5, part 2) at the April meeting. Cat suggested the May program may be Mary Alden talking about her experience in Republic of South Africa.
5. Review of Feb. 9 service and future services. We had much positive feedback about the Feb. 9, especially the Privilege Exercise. We will ask Rev. Paul when we might do another service this year, perhaps summer?
6. Other Community Programs. Henry and Lauralee described a notable activity at Garden Street Methodist. It is a large bulletin board with information on white supremacy that includes pockets for various handouts. We will ask the Garden Street Methodist church secretary when we might visit to see this.
Henry reports that the CAST program, which serves sandwiches to homeless and other hungry folk, has moved its service to behind the library at noon.

Respectfully submitted
Cat McIntyre, co-facilitator
BUF Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team

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