Monday, December 11, 2017

BUF Black Lives Matter Service Script 11/12/17

For Worship at Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship

We Have All Been Charged
November 12, 2017

BELLS/PRELUDE (1-3 minutes)
· 10:28 first bell, outside
· 10:29 second bell, inside

Good morning. Before we begin, let’s take a moment to quiet our minds, settle our hearts, and silence our cell phones as we listen to the prelude.

Smiling Faces, Erika, Hilde, David, Karen and Chad

Good morning. My name is Cat McIntyre. I've been a member of BUF for six years. You may know me as a cook, or recently an RE teacher, but I am also a member of the BUF Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team. This service
is a collaborative effort by several members of that Team. The title of the service, We Have All Been Charged, comes from the Unitarian Universalist Association UUA World Fall 2017 issue, which presents this year's General Assembly Report from New Orleans.

At the General Assembly, Dr. Robin DiAngelo spoke to three, packed, sessions about how to develop White racial literacy. I quote from her book on the subject: What It Means to be White.
"I now understand that race is a profoundly complex social system that has nothing to do with being progressive or "open-minded." In fact, we whites who see ourselves as open-minded can actually be the most challenging populations of all to talk to about race,
because when we believe we are "cool with race," we are not examining our racial filters. Further, because the concept of "open-mindedness" (or "colorblindness," or lack of prejudice) is so important to our identities, we actually resist any suggestion that there might be more going on below the surface, and our resistance functions to protect and maintain our racial blinders and positions."

· Physically ignite the flame -- Erika
Elizabeth Skinner:
Acknowledgement of this land owned by Lummi and Nooksack peoples.
We light this chalice to remind ourselves of the Light of Justice we hold dear in our minds and hearts, and our commitment to work for a just and fair world for everyone.

Please join in our covenant - Love is the spirit of this fellowship and service gives it life. Celebrating our diversity, and joined by a quest for truth, we work for peace, and honor all creation. This is our covenant."

RE MINUTE - Jennifer Smith

CHILDREN’S FOCUS (4-5 minutes)
Erika: with overhead projections of book pictures

We sing while the kids leave for their classes

We hold you in our love as you go, as you go. May your heart be at peace as you go. To nurture the spark of your precious life, we hold you in our love as you go.

GATHERING SONG (3 minutes) - I Wish I Knew What It's Like to Be Free, #151

ANNOUNCEMENTS (3-5 minutes)

1. I’d like to make a special welcome now to our visit
ors. If
you would like to know more about BUF please complete one of the green forms in the pew rack (hold one up) and drop it in the collection basket later. If you’d like a printed nametag, please put your name on the clipboard in the entryway.

2. More Announcements

GREETINGS (2 minutes) Erika
· Invite visitors to stand and tell us their name and where they are from. Erika walks around with hand-held microphone

MESSAGE Judy Pine, Injustice isn't new. (7-10 min.)

· Video "The Talk" introduced by Judy Pine: White Supremacy means white Americans do not have to have this talk with their children

MEDITATIONS interspersed with silence (3 minutes) Mary Alden -- I Have Peace Like A River

Mary: Now I would like to invite Becky Kinley and Kyle Jansen, to come up to give us a brief description of the Lummi Youth Canoe Family, our Social and Environmental Justice Collection beneficiary for this month. There is more information in the BUF Midweek Update about this project.

SEJC speaker (3-5 minutes)

Cat : I now invite the ushers to receive our morning offering. All of the offerings will go to the Lummi Youth Canoe Family project. If you want to make your regular offering to BUF, please put it in an envelope with a note that it is for BUF. If
you’re here for the first time today please consider yourself
our guest and just pass the basket along with a smile.

Ella's Song, Womyn's Ensemble

SENDING SONG - Please stand if you're willing and able to sing Hymn # 1008 in the teal hymnal, When our Heart is In A Holy Place.

The insert in your Order of Service is additional information that the Black Lives Matter Ministry Action Team has found very helpful in our efforts and wants to share with the congregation. You are also invited to join us for coffee after the service and talk to any of us there.

A final quote from Rev. Dr. Mark Morrison-Reed, found in the UUA World Fall issue, is our benediction:
“The time in Unitarian Universalism when black lives didn’t matter has passed. Nonetheless, change is generational, incremental, and bruising. It comes, but not necessarily on our time schedule. We have fallen short and will again, and when we do we need to pause and pray and ask, “What does love demand of me?” and then stand up and try again. Impatience is not what sustains us, but rather dreams, hope, work, and companionship—the chance to pour out one’s life for the faith, principles, and people whom we value.”


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